Muehlebach HotelLocation 1200 - 1210 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, MO (1914-1915 building main entrance) Description The original Hotel Muehlebach* was built in 1914 - 1915. It is listed as one of seven hotels nominated to the National Register of Historic Places as the Downtown Hotels in Kansas City, Missouri, in a filing prepared in June 1981. *At the time of the filing, the Hotel Muehlebach consisted of four separately constructed buildings which occupied west 12th Street from Baltimore to Wyandotte. The nomination includes this description. "Only the original building constructed in 1914-15 should be considered in the nomination for listing. "The original structure built in 1914-15 rises to a height of 12 stories. The architectural style is an adaptation of Beaux-Arts Classicism, expressed in the colossal paired pilasters of the upper stories, the repetitive cornices, and the use of classical ornament in the medallions and swags that occur across the facade. The regular round arches that pierce the ground story (now covered with canopies) lend a solid classical flavor to the building. Commercial and retail space is provided along the West 12th Street facade. Image: Steve Noll Collection (Larger view) "An 11-story addition immediately west of the original building and constructed in 1952 is characterized by a minimum of ornamentation. The first floor which provides access to the older building, features bricks laid to form a diagonal pattern across the facade, The remaining stories are composed of regularly spaced, paired windows. "The third unit in the Muehlebach Hotel block, known as the Muehlebach Towers, was built in 1957 and is 18 stories in height. It fronts on both Wyandotte and West 12th Streets. A five bay central section projects slightly beyond the two flanking side bays. This central section is further defined by a rectangular band which surrounds four paired window groupings. The ground story of the building is composed of glass panels that contain store fronts. "The five story Muehlebach Convention Center, constructed of brick and concrete, was built in 1965-66. The principal facade faces east and is divided into rectangular panels on the second through fifth stories by concrete surrounds. The ground story is comprised of glass fronted retail offices. A canopy on the roof shelters the pool and garden area." Architects and Construction
Additional Information
From the Steve Noll Collection
Exterior ViewsInterior and Restaurant ViewsHotel Muehlebach Coffee Shop (1931)
Hotel Muehlebach LeBistro - CafePicardy (Date Unknown)